Monday 19 July 2010

I love you, Daisy Lowe

I always find the term style icon a little cringey, although I'm sure everyone can think of at least one person whose style they admire. For me the first person I can remember noticing was Daisy Lowe. I think I was about 15 when I saw her in Elle for the first time, she was wearing some denim shorts with an I heart New York T-Shirt and red shoes. Literally moments after I bought the same T-Shirt on eBay and didn't take it off for about a week. Once I began to develop some sort of style (*cough*...) I kind of stopped relying on that outfit so much, it still comes out every once in a blue moon though. I have like, a mental list now of people's whose style I admire but Daisy is always at the top.

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